2016년 4월 13일 수요일
2015년 12월 7일 월요일
[Whoopee News] Softpedia reviewed Whoopee app
Thank you for reviewing Whoopee.
Effortlessly and quickly share any kind of file between your computer and iOS and Android devices with the help of this simplistic utility
Transfer files between Mac, PC, iOS and Android devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network easily, with this straightforward application
Effortlessly and quickly share any kind of file between your computer and iOS and Android devices with the help of this simplistic utility
Transfer files between Mac, PC, iOS and Android devices connected to the same Wi-Fi network easily, with this straightforward application
2015년 11월 16일 월요일
How to send large files without the internet between the smartphones! transfer app!
Hi, there! I'm Trans managing WHOOPEE.
I tell the news after a long time. we've been working on upgrading it's transmission speed and improving facilities. I'm going to give you some information about WHOOPEE's Wi-Fi Direct / Multiipeer Connectivity to use when we can't connect to internet.
If you want to send or receive big files to friends who are close to you in places such as above. you two have to install WHOOPEE application in the each android device, and then select photos or videos you want to send. The selected files can share with your friends at high speed regardless of capacity. Get help and additional details about Wi-Fi Direct!
2015년 11월 15일 일요일
인터넷 접속 없이 스마트폰 간에 대용량 파일을 전송하기~파일전송 앱!
안녕하세요. WHOOPEE매니저 Trans입니다.
오랜만에 WHOOPEE 앱 소식을 전합니다. 그 동안 파일 전송속도를 높이고 기능을 개선하기 위한 작업들을 진행했었습니다. 오늘은 인터넷 접속이 어려운 상황에서 유용하게 사용 할 수 있는 WHOOPEE의 Wi-Fi Direct / Multiipeer Connectivity 기능에 대하여 설명 드리겠습니다.
비행기, 캠핑장, 섬 등 야외로 놀러갔을 때 기념촬영 사진이나 동영상 등을 주변의 친구들과 빨리 공유하고 싶지만 인터넷 접속이 어렵거나 모바일 네트워크(3G/LTE)를 사용하여 많은 요금이 부과되는 상황이 걱정이라면 또는 대용량의 파일을 공유하면서 데이터가 많이 소모되는 상황이 걱정된다면 WHOOPEE의 Wi-Fi Direct/ Multipeer Connectivity 기능을 사용하세요. 추가요금이나 인터넷에 접속해야 하는 부담감 없이 대용량 파일을 언제 어디서나 상대에게 보내고 받기를 하실 수 있습니다.
위와 같은 상황에서 근거리의 상대에게 대용량의 파일을 보내려면 서로의 안드로이드 디바이스에 WHOOPEE 어플리케이션을 설치하고 보내고자 하는 사진, 동영상, 음악 등을 선택합니다. 선택된 파일은 용량에 상관없이 빠른 속도로 상대에게 전송되어 서로 공유할 수 있습니다. 자세한 방법은 이전에 소개한 Wi-Fi Direct로 언제 어디서나 파일을 전송하자! 에서 확인하시기 바랍니다.
아이폰 역시 Multipeer Connectivity 기능을 이용하여 상대와 파일을 공유할 수 있습니다. 아이폰은 파일을 보내면서 동시에 다른 상대에게도 파일 전송이 가능하며 멀티태스킹이 지원됩니다. Multipeer Connectivity를 이용하여 iphone에서 사진보내기~ 에서 확인 하시기 바랍니다.
2015년 10월 19일 월요일
How to send a contact list from Galaxy S5 to iphone6!!
Hi, there! I'm Trans managing WHOOPEE.
I will let you know how to send a contact list directly from android phone to iOS phone.
Have a good day~
There are Galaxy S5's main screen on the left, iPhone 6 on the right. They are connected with the same Wi-Fi. They are shown each other in my friends.
This is a test that sends a contact list directly from Galaxy S5 to iphone 6. I selected the iphone 6 in Galaxy S5 to send the contact list. Galaxy S5 is changed to the transfer screen to send the contact list to each other.
Selecting the contact icon under the transfer screen of Galaxy S5, you can see the contact lists in the phone. when you touch the contact list you want, it will be sent to other device directly.
Galaxy S5 is getting ready to send the contact list as soon as you touch the contact list. Alarm is shown with the number of the sent contact list in the iphone 6. I select the device(Galaxy S5) with alarm in the iphone 6.
I will try to select the other device in iphone 6. You can move into the transfer screen and review the contact list directly.
Selecting the contact list received from the other device, you'll move into the edit mode. Input additional information and save in my contact list. That'll wrap it up!!
I will call again with better information.
2015년 10월 18일 일요일
How to send audio files from Galaxy S5 to iphone6!!
Hi, there! I'm Trans managing WHOOPEE.
I will let you know how to send audio files from android phone to iOS phone.
There are Galaxy S5's main screen on the left, iPhone 6 on the right. They are connected with the same Wi-Fi. They are shown each other in my friends.
This is a test that sends audio files from Galaxy S5 to iphone 6. I selected the iphone 6 in Galaxy S5 to send audio files. Galaxy S5 is changed to the transfer screen to send audio files to each other.
Selecting the audio icon under the transfer screen of Galaxy S5, you can move into the audio list.
Select audio lists you want and a paper airplane button on the toolbar.
Galaxy S5 is getting ready to send audio files as soon as you touch the send button. Alarm is shown with the number of the sent audio files in the iphone 6. I select the device(Galaxy S5) with alarm in the iphone 6.
The screen of iphone 6 is changed to the transfer screen. you can review the audio files with icon and text in advance. I'll touch the accept all button to receive all audio files.
The loading icons that show sending and receiving appear immediately.
The completion icon is shown, when it's done. iphone 6 has the time that is done.
You can listen to the audio file playing in the current screen at once, selecting the icon of received audio files.
I will call again with better information.
2015년 10월 15일 목요일
How to send photo and video taking directly from Galaxy S5 to iphone 6!!
Hi, there! I'm Trans managing WHOOPEE.
I will let you know how to send file and video taking directly from android phone to iOS phone.
Hi guys~
There are Galaxy S5's main screen on the left, iPhone 6 on the right. They are connected with the same Wi-Fi. They are shown each other in my friends.
This is a test that sends videos or photos taking directly from Galaxy S5 to iphone 6. I selected the iphone 6 in Galaxy S5 to send files. Galaxy S5 is changed to the transfer screen to send files to each other.
Selecting the camera icon under the transfer screen of Galaxy S5, you can see the pop-up that can take a photo or record video. For this test, I'll try to take a photo. ( If you want to send video, select "Take a Video")
Take a photo you want in the camera mode!
After taking a photo, the preview screen is shown. Please, select the paper airplane button on the toolbar, when you verify whether that's right.
Galaxy S5 is getting ready to send files as soon as you touch the send button. Alarm is shown with the number of the sent files in the iphone 6. I select the device(Galaxy S5) with alarm in the iphone 6.
The screen of iphone 6 is changed to the transfer screen. you can review the file with the thumbnail. I'll touch "Accept" button to receive the file.
As soon as I touch the accept button, the loading icons that show sending and receiving appear immediately.
The completion icon is shown, when it's done. iphone 6 has the time that is done.
You can see the file in the current screen at once, selecting the thumbnail of received files.
I will call again with better information.
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